#dahlia sin'felle
everybodyloveshippos · 7 months
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It's Always Sunny in the Forgotten Realms
(characters in alt)
(part 2)
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banished-away · 17 days
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LoD as textposts, part "i lost count"
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tiny-huts · 1 month
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I got bored at work
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rukafais · 9 months
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The Legend of Drizzt is a series about very normal people with no psychological problems or trauma whatsoever (citation needed).
[quote source]
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the-banished-one · 2 months
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neverwinter group. but microscopic
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mrachniy · 2 months
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bizarre love triangle
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princefleabitten · 3 months
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Legend of Drizzt: Night of the Hunter…. Wait- which Hunter? Which night? Who was this book secretly about???
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lawesculape · 2 months
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[The Last Treshold spoilers]
And here we go again ! I've finished The Last Treshold and GOD I loved it too ! Charon's Claw is still my favorite part of the Neverwinter saga but this one was a really good one. I'm in love with this group (Drizzt, Dahlia, Artemis, Afafrenfere, Ambergris and Effron) and their dynamics with eachother. Especially the main trio. I love the Companions but... Morally grey characters are so much more interesting ! I love that they try to do their best, then fail, try again, are pissed towards another but still support and care about eachother in their own way. They're all so bad at communicating, it's incredible. Except Artemis, surprisingly. He is so sweet to Dahlia when Drizzt is a complete idiot. (And I mean that in a good way, that make sense to his character that he has a dumb reaction to her behavior while Artemis understands and supports her.)
AND OF COURSE : Jarlaxle's presence is always a pleasure ! I love him so much, he never disappoints. Of course I had to draw something about him because poor old drow is SO SAD in this book. He misses Artemis so much, their relationship is everything to me. His reaction to his petrification was so sweet. This guy can't handle losing him again.
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dinindourden · 2 months
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LEGEND OF DRIZZT | Dahlia Sin'felle
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kai-ice · 2 months
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Power couple
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lofi-fairy-tails · 12 days
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“Do you know what it means to be an elf? To walk with those who breathe faster than yourself? To outrun the loved ones? To leave the dead ones Behind, and keep running on all by yourself?”
Said a moon elf to a sad, lonely drow Before time passed by, and his wife passed on. Worship a torn flower He wanted, tried, and failed; Discovered—his elven heart can love but one.
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It’s Always Sunny in the Forgotten Realms, round 3
(characters in alt)
part 1 / part 2
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banished-away · 2 months
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LoD as textposts, because i keep making them
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cthulhu-cat · 1 year
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rukafais · 6 months
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Warmup. If Dahlia Sin'felle has no fans I am dead. Shes got a cool bo staff that shoots lightning and doesnt afraid of anything. She's a fucked up asshole and it rules
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the-banished-one · 3 months
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I started reading Gauntlgrym and what can I say except that I love Dahlia
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